Sunday, January 28, 2007


Last week on January 15, 2007, we have been cordially invited by the DTI to attend for an assembly, located at 3F Mintrade Bldg., cor. Monteverde Ave, Davao City. The meeting started approximately 1400 hours.

The agenda was all about putting up an alliance of MT companies here in Davao City. According to them, the logic in putting this up was to promote the potentials of out-sourcing transcription services in the city and to pursue the vision of the local government for Davao City. Some of you might be familiar with MTIAP as known as Medical Transcription Industry Association of the Philippines, who hosted about 41 major medical transcription firms here in the Philippines. Of what DTI is proposing, you may call it a younger version of MTIAP (magkakamag-anak lang sila kung baga hehehehe). The meeting was then attended by different MT companies including MT academe, (DFTCC, MTC, Brokenshire Learning System, KTLC, Surfer Lounge, Synergy Transcription, and CITEC).

We were then hosted by Mr. Samuel and Mrs Sheila Mae Pe, proprietors of SSP transcriptions. We begin talking, exchanging ideas and asking relevant questions (If is this feasible?, Are we ready for this, Who will lead us?,? etc..). but one question came up and struck us all. What will we be getting from this?, SSP transcription was then eager to extend their knowledge to new comers by answering all those questions and it ended pleasingly. According to Mr Sam, they themselves have not considered other MT companies as competitors. They don’t compete with other MT companies in order to get a client (it does not work that way) clients are everywhere, even though two MT companies are in a same building, it doesn’t matter. You have your own different account. You don’t do market here but in abroad. What SSP is offerings, is that they will offer help for those interested and equipped MT companies to have their own direct clients (Oh diba bongga!, ang bait naman). Actually the catch there is, they will have a cut into your rates, 20% per line rate. Meaning if your rate per line is 10 cents, 2 cents of it will go to SSP and 8 cents will be your net rate. According to Mr. Sam, the 20% that they will be earning will go to their marketing personnel in the states. Well, 8 cents is not bad for a starter than tying up to India and having 2 to 4 cents per line.

After a stimulating discussion, we then began organizing the alliance name and objectives.

Among the objectives of the alliance are:

•Promote Transcription industry in Davao City and surrounding areas among target markets in the United States, Europe and other potential markets for transcription services;

Strengthen networking and establish marketing alliance among members of the association

•Ensure strict adherence by the members to quality standards and practices in the transcription industry.

•Set up and maintain funds to support the operations and implementation of programs and projects of the association.

•Promote goodwill among members;

The Medical Transcription Companies and Training Providers in Davao City have organized recently as a group dubbed “Transcription Alliance of Davao, Inc.” Registration of the said alliance is still being processed with the Securities and Exchange Commission in Davao City as non-stock, non-profit organization.

The alliance is welcoming all MT companies who wants to join with them, if you have the desire to join you may contact DTI Davao.

Contibution and Collection Status:
Membership - Php. 1000
Due- Php. 500
Total: Php. 1500


TADI will be joining the E-Services Phils (conference) on February 15-16, 2007 at EDSA Shangrila Manila Hotel, following confirmed their interest to join the Davao delegation:

SSP transcription
Brokenshire Learning System, Inc.
MTC Academy Davao

Coming Soon!


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